Comments on: MHORs versus WHORs Mon, 09 Apr 2018 04:32:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: BUT Mon, 05 Oct 2015 17:49:53 +0000 Agree with most of the article, except that part where “not having a car” is cited as an supplementing example to the argument. It sounds a bit “first world problem-ish”, no?
Is owning a car that much of a priority during ones student life or can everybody even afford to do so?
Maybe we should see the cars that some boys own, as a luxury and not as a necessity, which is how the said example was based upon.

By: Patel Mon, 28 Sep 2015 16:47:21 +0000 Hey, have to disagree with you on the MHOR mess policy. There is no implicit policy that one cannot mingle with juniors. While batches do tend to sit with their own, seniors and juniors do sit together. I have done so on many occasions myself.

By: But_ummm Mon, 28 Sep 2015 16:07:33 +0000 First, the women’s hostel culture is something that is very very different from the boys hostel culture. For you to compare the two to see which one is more conducive/better is weird. The girl’s hostel culture of having Nilgiri’s nights (aren’t they called that?) and the nature of the mess discussions at the breakfast and dinner table are probably different as well. I, for one, know that the MHOR mess has a very strict no-mingling-in-the-mess-with-juniors-policy.

Second, the terrace culture is not passed down the generations (I mean batches, of course), as it were. It is carried on from the culture of Himalaya where the terraces are the freest and most accessible place to fresh air. With the construction of Yamuna, this culture will (or should) spill over to the girl’s hostel. If you ask any of the guys in your batch or even senior to you, they’ll tell you that the best year of their life was in Himalaya. The senior boys hostel fails to live up to the hype and fails to provide the same opportunity for conversation and privacy. Of course, I’m sure it also helps people who indulge in nefarious (lol) activities more breathing room as the seniors know where to get stuff.

Saying so, I agree with you in so far as men and women not interacting quite as much as they should on campus. In my experience of 4 years here, across batches, I’ve only seen a bunch of 15 guys even talk to girls on a daily basis. That definitely means that the memories that guys (or even girls, for that matter) take away from law school is likely to be with persons of their own sex. It is also disgusting that most decisions relating to fests in law school are made in the boys hostels. This trend is hardly changing too. If you look across the different committees, with the exception of CulCommm (which is stupidly perceived to be a girls committee doing ‘girly’ things), the majority of the members are guys. The majority of the conveners and joint conveners are guys and have always been guys. This is a dire problem of this institution that it is not conducive to women being leaders. This may of course be due to the larger society, though.

The point, after much digression, is that don’t think that the MHOR culture is better. That’s almost as defeatist as EMC accepting the death of LeGala.

By: Radhika Fri, 25 Sep 2015 14:41:53 +0000 All I am suggesting is that if men share such a strong bond and that their happiest and most poignant moments in law school are in situations where women are absent, it is very likely that MAYBE such a divide (something that has been acknowledged by juniors, seniors and batchmates) could be formed. This could also happen if over long periods of time, due to the difference in their lifestyles, men and women just stop relating to each other. I agree that this idea has not been substantiated but thats only because this is not the main issue this article deals with. Also not blaming anyone for it nor suggesting that a WHOR terrace culture could change it. Its just an extension of all the problems the division causes.

By: Murphy Wed, 23 Sep 2015 18:25:49 +0000 Not commenting on the article and the argument it makes, I , would just like to draw attention to a blatantly incorrect assertion backed up by flawed logic. Firstly, the statement that there exists fault lines between boys and girls in a senior batch is a sweeping generalisation. The bigger problem is the implicit assumption that boys hanging out on the terrace and forming bonds has rendered them so vapid that it has prevented them from forming meaningful relations or have frayed our relations with girls.
