Doodles – Quirk Disclaimer: All opinions on this blog are the authors’ own, and do not reflect the views of the Quirk team. Sat, 31 Oct 2020 12:06:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Doodles – Quirk 32 32 Sketched in Memory Wed, 30 Sep 2020 12:58:50 +0000 Continue readingSketched in Memory]]>


As the graduating batches formally leave NLS, with the virtual pre-recorded convocation ceremony having wrapped up, it is with a bit of a heavy heart and lot of hope, that we wish the graduating batches of 2020 a wonderful start to their careers and their lives as part of the NLS Alumni fraternity! Graduating in the midst of a pandemic couldn’t have been easy but they have done it with such grace – our congratulations to everyone!

Purnima Mahajan (MPP Batch of 2020) captures all those graduation feels in a sketch that’s an ode to the campus left behind but a sense of belonging that will always remain.

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“Third Trim’s the Charm” and Other Lies We Say to Comfort Ourselves Fri, 19 Jun 2020 15:10:54 +0000 Continue reading“Third Trim’s the Charm” and Other Lies We Say to Comfort Ourselves]]> Although first years had heard tales of the fabled third trimester – about its partying along with the hectic but beautiful culmination of the academic year at NLS, 2020’s version of third trim has truly left them speechless. Sarthak Wadhwa (Batch of 2024) aptly illustrates this through his doodle as he raises his (glass? or rather…) finger to the trimester that this has been!



[Image Description: The doodle is in the form of a large hand with its middle finger raised to the third trimester. Above the hand are the words “IIIrd trim” and at the bottom is “2024” with an infinity symbol drawn over the 4. Inside the hand are various terms we’ve heard quite frequently this trim – “quarantine”, “protest?”, “rigour”, “mental health”, “usual suspects”, “ED/BT”, “examination guidelines”, “teacher autonomy”, “summary”, “more power 2 u”, “AASP”, “pedagogy”, “LMS”, “attendance (shortage)”, “cold call”, “falling academic standards”, “SBA”, “alienation”, “NIRF #1”, “Zoom”, “mic not working”, “creep”, “cohort”, “25 pages”, “online”, and “Raghav, note their names”. There are smaller doodles within the hand, such as a skull and crossbones with the word “field” written over it, flowers, coffee, emails, and the Whatsapp symbol.]

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Life Under Lockdown – A Mind Map Wed, 27 May 2020 10:00:39 +0000 Continue readingLife Under Lockdown – A Mind Map]]> This Mind Map has been conceptualized by Smriti Kalra (Batch of 2021) and Jwalika Balaji (Batch of 2023). The doodle has been created by Smriti Kalra. 

Island of Unproductivity – It’s where your mind goes as you scroll through an endless stream of banana breads on Instagram and binge watch three series consecutively on Netflix. You then decide to work and focus on that upcoming project for 5 mins until your phone pings and you immediately drop everything to fill out the newest bingo available on social media.

The Plain of Procrastination – A constant plane of existence to be honest, with constant stress and constant listlessness. The Plain seems to be an endless patch of land, with no achievable goal in sight.

Mountains of Mental Health – These are huge hurdles, which have always existed but now look taller. They make you feel like Sisyphus on the mountain but hey you must imagine him happy – fake it till you make it! To add a desi reference, you sometimes feels like Hanuman from Ramayan – carrying the weight of Sanjeevani – hoping that one day, you will not have burdens on your shoulder but instead, a metaphorical, life-affirming herb thing that will cure you of your troubles.

Department of Dreams – Weird, vivid and at times creepy. This department works in overdrive when you’re resting, just to ensure that you are not happy even when you sleep. To apply to work at this department, you have to exhibit a special level of sadism. Guaranteed extra weird dreams during the lockdown.

Sea of Sleep – Sometimes the sea is deep, sometimes it’s shallow, many a times there are sharks but one thing is for sure – you’re bound to die drowning.

Forests of Fear and Anxiety – Will law firms stop hiring?? Will I get infected? How long before my parents throw me out? Will communalisation get worse and am I going to witness riots soon?  WILL THERE BE ANOTHER PROJECT EXTENSION? Involves staring at your phone for a potential mail from the admin providing an extension.

Swamp of Social Media – I feel so bad that everyone is PUBLISHING ARTICLES and that PEOPLE ARE ALSO DYING and that I’M JUST LYING IN BED- social media is the worst but also the only way to feel connected to friends.

Happy Place – Mostly elusive. Can be seen in the form of fleeting hopes. Can also be found occasionally while playing Pictionary and during Zoom calls with friends.

River of Regret – Shit man, should have gone out that last time everyone went for drinks! Oh damn, did I clean my room before leaving, whoops 🙂 Oh god, I wish I’d travelled more! I really wish I’d started therapy earlier! Urgh, why did I snap at mom again, uff I’ll be nicer to her tomorrow *repeats cycle*, I wish I’d spent more time with my grandparents earlier ://

And so it goes.

]]> 1 To All the Things I’ve Loved Before Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:53:43 +0000 Continue readingTo All the Things I’ve Loved Before]]> This doodle was created by Anshita Agrawal (Batch of 2023). This piece is the second in the mini-series: ‘Missing Law School’.



[Image Description: The focus of the picture, in the centre, is the NLS library. Surrounding it are doodles of various things in Law School. There are mentions of all the food places in and around campus – Bistro, Chetta, Rohini, Hungry Hub, Juice Shop, Atithi and Gokul. Law School events are depicted – Spiritus (with a basketball hoop), SF (with a strawberry wearing headphones), Univ Week (with a banner), GCL (with a cricket bat and ball), Mooting (with a trophy) and Nego (with client and counsel placards). There are doodles of Dan, Dominos, Pride, a laptop running out of charge, a bookshelf, a hot beverage, weak wifi, a clock with the bell – various aspects of Law School. These are accompanied by mentions of Nagarbhavi skies, field scenes, Maggi and bun butter bhujia, tort v torts, “pedagogy” and “academic rigour” – all those little things that make Law School, Law School.]

P.S.: We still love you, Law School.

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Cartoons Fri, 25 Sep 2015 19:47:31 +0000 A page for interesting cartoons. If you wish to have yours published, mail us your cartoon at [email protected]

Toon #1: “Purgatory” by  Yogesh Dilhor, a fifth year student at NLSIU

Untitled 1 by Yogesh

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